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New Bands!

Today we present you two headliners and a package of excellent bands.


After 3 new fantastic singles, with which they undoubtedly announce a return to the true roots of their sound, IN FLAMES are returning to MetalDays after 10 years. We celebrated the first year of MetalDays with IN FLAMES, and we couldn't be happier to celebrate the first year with them at the new location. Let it burn!

The legendary HELLOWEEN needs no introduction. One of the most influential and important Metal bands of all time is finally coming to MetalDays. They are currently at the peak of their career, and we can't wait to sing all their hits together with them.

Death Metal legends, David Vincent and Pete Sandoval in the form of I AM MORBID, together with Black Metal extravaganza BELPHEGOR, Canadian melodic Death Metallers THE AGONIST, Metal spice girls VENUS 5 and Italian symphonic power metal SECRET SPHERE make up the package of new bands that make up the MetalDays 2023 line-up probably the strongest to date.

Tickets are on sale at and we promise that every next announcement will be no less strong and interesting.

Soon we will announce the next package of bands. Until then, share this post, and follow us on all official channels. SLO Zelo smo veseli, da vam danes lahko predstavimo dva headlinerja in paket odličnih glasbenih skupin; IN FLAMES, HELLOWEEN, I AM MORBID, BELPHEGOR, THE AGONIST, VENUS 5 in SECRET SPHERE, dobrodošli na MetalDays 2023 lineup.

Po treh fastastičnih singlih, ki s katerimi nedvomno napovedujejo vrnitev h koreninam svojega zvoka, se IN FLAMES po 10 letih vračajo na MetalDays. Prvo leto festivala MetalDays smo praznovali z IN FLAMES, in ne bi mogli biti bolj veseli, da bomo praznovali prvo leto na novi lokaciji zopet z njimi.

Legendarne skupine HELLOWEEN ni potrebno posebej predstavljati. Ena najvplivnejših in najpomembnejših metal skupin vseh časov končno prihaja na MetalDays. Trenutno so na vrhuncu svoje kariere in komaj čakamo, da skupaj z njimi zapojemo vse njihove uspešnice.

Legende death metala, David Vincent in Pete Sandoval v obliki I AM MORBID, skupaj z black metal ekstravaganco BELPHEGOR, kanadskimi melodičnimi death metalci THE AGONIST, metal spice girls VENUS 5 in italijanskim simfoničnim power metalci SECRET SPHERE sestavljajo paket novih glasbenih skupin, dodanih na lineup MetalDays 2023, verjetno najbolj udarno glasbeno edicijo festivala doslej. Vstopnice so v prodaji na, obljubljamo pa, da vsaka naslednja objava ne bo nič manj udarna in zanimiva.

Naslednji paket glasbenih skupin prihaja kmalu. Do takrat pa delite to objavo in nas spremljajte na vseh uradnih kanalih.

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